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Article Forge

The best way to get HIGH QUALITY content is to use AI writing assistance. Article Forge uses artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to create high-quality articles for you automatically. Article Forge is the best choice for all your copywriting needs. It is designed for a range of purposes including product descriptions, blog posts and more. With just one click, you can generate unique, original, SEO-optimized content that will have readers coming back for more.

Article Forge is a writing software that can generate entire articles and ghostwrite portions of existing ones using just a few minutes of input from an actual writer. It was created as a cost-effective solution for clients who needed written content without the hassle or expense of hiring someone to do it themselves. Create your article in 3 easy steps! #1 Enter keyword(s) and desired article length, #2 wait a minute or two. #3 Read your article!

Article Forge Features

Whether you make the content yourself, hire writers, or get help from an AI writing assistant - long form content can be expensive and time-consuming to create. Simply click one button which will give you an article of up to 1,500 words that is well-written, has all the required information, and is on topic. This shortens the time and cost involved.

Get High quality content in one click

Improved longer articles up to 1500 words with SEO Optimized Content

The first fully automatic AI Article writer

Choose from 7 languages - English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Uniqueness You Can Trust. Since Article Forge uses deep learning. All the articles are completely unique. Each article created passes Copyscape with zero duplicate content

Your personal AI content writer. Article Forge is like a professional writer for hire. Install our bot and it will generate a high-quality post, matching the requirements you sent to it

Add Titles, Add Section Headings, Add Sub-keywords, Add an image, Add a video, Post to your Wordpress Blog

Save time and money

Generate articles in bulk. Schedule your posts with your Wordpress integration

Article Forge Pricing

Article Forge has three plans - BASIC, STANDARD and UNLIMITED. You can save 51% by choosing the yearly payment option - it's a no brainer! One article the you would outsource will cover one month's payment for Article Forge. Sign Up for the FREE Trial as see for yourself.

Article Forge Screenshots

30-Day No Risk Money Back Guarantee

We offer a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee. You can use Article Forge with peace of mind that there will be no issues and you'll get the results you're looking for. In addition to our five day free trial, we offer a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee. If you're not happy with your purchase, just let us know and we'll give you a refund without any hassles.

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